The extensive diversity of customized orthodontic treatments provides several options of dental braces that meet the requirements of each dental case regarding straightening teeth and handling bite problems in addition to boosting the confidence in your teeth and smile appearance with less noticeable choices such as ceramic braces or incognito options with lingual braces.
Ceramic braces are the discreet version of metal braces as they are distinguished by clear or tooth-colored brackets plus silver, white, or light-colored archwires, and elastic ties “bands” that are available in several colors to choose the optimal option for blending in with your skin color.
Pursuing your daily routine with extreme confidence in your smile and teeth appearance while undergoing a long-term orthodontic treatment is a purpose fulfilled by choosing ceramic braces that combine the outstanding effectiveness related to treating various orthodontic problems with less visible dental braces than those options that are made of metals.
Ceramic dental braces offer more freedom of movement for your teeth with a smoother brackets’ surface and they are considered the optimal orthodontic treatment choice for adults with stable permanent teeth which guarantees drawing minimal attention to your teeth appearance during the treatment period (18 to 36 months).
Dentfly clinics provide a wide variety of tailored orthodontic plans that suit your dental needs, lifestyle, and budget including:
- Virtually visible ceramic braces
- Efficient durable metal braces
- Damon braces with innovative tie-less technology
- Lingual braces (bonded to the back of your teeth)
- Transparent clear aligners (reliable alternatives to traditional dental braces).
- Myobrace (preventive treatment option for children)
- Customized retainers (superb custom-made choices for stabilizing teeth alignment after the removal of any type of braces).
Contact us today to book your medical tourism tour in Dubai or Turkey with affordable travel packages or to book your appointment to choose the appropriate orthodontic treatment plan that delivers the desired results without disturbing your daily routine or lifestyle.